

Online Ads



Collection   Citation
1001 Sweeney L. Massachusetts Registered Voters 2012. Collection 1001. November 2012. Massachusetts Registered Voters 2012. Contributed 11/30/12. Contains 3.1 million voters (3,185,620) from data broker acquisition 10/26/12, with added Cambridge Voters acquired from City Hall 11/1/2012. Non-empty fields are: collection, entry, firstname, lastname, birthdate=birthto, gender, zip, state, city, street, latitude, longitude. (access)

1002 Sweeney L. A National Voter Sample for 2011. Collection 1002. November 2011. National Voter Sample for 2011. Contains 8.1 million voters (8,152,724) from data broker acquisition 11/14/11. Sample contains registrations from 529 ZIPs from around the United States. Non-empty fields are: collection, entry, firstname, lastname, birth=birthto, gender, zip, state. (more, access)

1003 Sweeney L. Online Ads for Personal Name Searches on Two Websites. Collection 1003. November 2012. Online Ads delivered in response to search queries of personal names. More than 4000 ads delivered by Google Adsense on and on in 2012 in response to searches of 2200 personal names of real people. Dataset includes image capture screens, cropped screens, and a CSV database with fields that include the date and time of capture, URL, and search string. Contributed 12/12/2012. Also see Dataset 1011 below. (access)

1007 Robertson J. Public Records Requests for State Discharge Data (updated with Maine). Bloomberg News. Collection 1007. November 2012. Public records requests for statewide personal health information. In 2012, Jordan Robertson issued public record requests to 11 states (CA, FL, IL, MD, NJ, NY, PA, TN, TX, VA, WA) for the names of those to whom they shared or sold statewide personal hospital discharge data. This dataset contains the responses. Updated with Maine requesters. As of June 29, 2013, Maine had 353 requesters for their statewide data. The data includes requester name and institution, type/year of data being requested and a description of the reason for acquiring the data. Archived from Maine posting (") in July 2013. Contributed 7/26/2013. (more)

1008 breach database. Collection 1008. July 2013. Privacy Rights breach database. Over 3800 breaches from 2005-June 2013 that were reported because the personal information compromised includes data elements useful to identity thieves, such as Social Security numbers, account numbers, and driver's license numbers. Archived from at ( in July 2013. Contributed 7/26/2013. (more)

1009 Enron Email Dataset. Collection 1009. August 2013. Enron Email database. Over a half million email messages from 150 employees of Enron, made public by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation into the company. Retrieved from William Cohen's website at Carnegie Mellon ( August 2013. (access)

1010 Web Page Archive. Collection 1010. October 2013 -. Permanent Archive of Web Pages. Anyone in the public can archive content from a URL. Results are kept permanently and given a persistent URL. Those with accounts can have automated bulk captures over time. (access)

1011 Sweeney L. Online Ads for Racially-Identifying Name Searches across 50 Websites. Collection 1011. November 2012. Online Ads delivered in response to search queries of racially-identifying personal names. Almost 100,000 ads delivered by Google Adsense in response to searches of 2200 full names of real people. Also see Dataset 1003 above. Contributed 10/27/2013.

1012 Boston Area Data 2010. Collection 1012. October 2013. Boston Area geospatial and tabular data for urban planning. Contributed 10/25/2012. (access)

1013 Public Records Demographics 2000. Collection 1013. October 2013. Demographics of Adult American Population 2000. Includes name, date of birth, and residential ZIP code of adult American population in 2000, drawn from public records. Contributed 10/27/2013.

1014 Washington Statewide Hospital Inpatient Data for 2011. Collection 1014. October 2013. Statewide patient level information, Washington State 2011. Includes demographics, diagnoses, procedures, discharge status, charges and payments. Contributed 10/27/2013.

1015 Heritage Health Prize Contest Data. Collection 1015. November 2013. Heritage Health Prize Contest Data 2011-2013. The Heritage Provider Network ran a public competition from April 2011 through April 2013 to identify patients who will be admitted to a hospital within the next year using historical claims data from their network. A copy of the data and contest winners is preserved. Contributed 11/4/2013. (access)

1016 Hubway Visualization Contest Data 2012. Collection 1016. November 2013. Hubway Visualization Contest Data 2012. Hubway rents bicycles in the Boston area. In October 2012, Hubway launched a contest, sharing a year of customer data widely in an attempt to get others to discover useful information in the data. A copy of the data and contest winners is preserved. Contributed 11/4/2013.

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