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Collection    Entry#
First name
Last name
Birth yyyymmdd    to yyyymmdd
Gender m/f
ZIP ddddd    State aa
Latitude dd.dddddd   Longitude dd.dddddd
Voted yyyy

yyyy    to yyyy


append to results

Batch file



Enter your email address and passcode in the first part of the form. This information is necessary to authenticate your search. If you are a researcher seeking access to this archive, contact the Curator for this archive.
For single query look-ups, use the middle section of the form above. Enter any values of interest, in part or whole, leaving unnecessary values blank. Then select the format for the results by clicking on Display, Display CSV for File CSV.
Select format for results from buttons at the bottom.

Display:        to display results as a descriptive list.
Display CSV: to display results in CSV format.
File CSV:       to download results in a CSV file.

The leftmost fields of CVS results are your query, then comes a copy of the contents you provide in the Note field, and then, the rightmost fields are matching results.

Your search criteria can include partial information for generalized searching. For example, if you enter Chris in the first name field, results will include entries having first names of Christopher and Christine. Date ranges can be used for searching. For example, entering 1975 will provide all hits from Jan through Dec 1975. ZIP code matches the first digits you give. For example, entering 0213 will entries having ZIP codes 02130, 02131, ..., 02139.
For doing multiple searches at once, use the batch file option at the bottom of the form above. Click on browse button to upload your previously prepared CSV file.
To construct a CSV file, you can use either a text editor or a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel or Numbers). A CSV (or comma delimited) file is a file that has rows and columns in plain text. Each row has the values for its columns separated by commas. They may optionally be enclosed in quotation marks. Each row also has the same number of values. We use a CSV file to conduct multiple searches in this archive. Each row in the CSV file is a query that gets processed. The format of the CSV file is the same as the fields in the query with the addition of a Note field added to the end of the row. TheNote field is optional, and if provided will the value you provide appears on each row in the results that match that query. Below is a list of the fields, which should be the first row of the file.

Enter the empty string ("") or no value for any field not involved in your search. Do not add any blank rows. Include the header row above that lists the names of the fields.

Here is an example to conduct three searches. The first search, which is the second row, searches for all entries in Collection 1001 having the last name "Smith", The second search, which is the third row, searches for all entries in Collection 1001 having the last name "Jones" living in the ZIP "02139". The third search, which is the fourth row, searches Collection 1001 for all men born between 1957 and 1958 who live in the ZIP 02145. produce a CSV file that looks as follows:

"1001","","","Smith","","","","","","","","","","","","","","my search 1"
"1001","","","Jones","","","","02139","","","","","","","","","","my second search"
"1001","","","","19570101","19581231","m","02145","","","","","","","","","","my note here"

For Excel users, load the list of fields above into Excel, which will assign each column to be the names of the fields. Then, on subsequent rows, enter your search parameters. Leave any entries blank that are not involved in your search. When done, save the header row and results as a CSV file.

Note to Mac and Windows users. Until we are able to reconfigure the server, all rows in the file must end in Unix LF. Be sure to save the file where each line has this ending. Traditional values for lines that end in Mac or Windows format will not work.

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