Data dictionary for 250m RMV data (RMV_vectorgrid_final_new.shp) G250M_ID - vector grid cell ID TOWN - official town name in ALL CAPS TOWN_ID - numeric town ID JOBS- Number of on-site jobs in cell based upon overlay with DNB (March '08) data BUSINESSES- Number of businesses in cell based upon overlay with DNB data ESTPOP2000 - Estimated census 2000 population figures, constrained by residential landuse (1999) JOBSCELLPCT - percentage of all jobs in that cell's town that exist in that cell BUSCELLPCT- percentage of all businesses in that cell's town that exist in that cell POPCELLPCT - percentage of population in that cell's town that exist in that cell HSHLD_2000 - Estimated census 2000 household figures, constrained by residential landuse HSHLDPCT - percentage of households in that cell's town that exist in that cell PT_MILES - Annual miles traveled by all vehicles assigned to this cell from veh_active2, via geocoding + overlay HSHLDMILES - Annual miles traveled by passenger vehicles in this town that did not link to a geocoded point. The value in the cell is a fraction of the town's aggregate unmatched passenger vehicles, based upon the values in Hshld_pct. JOBMILES - Annual miles traveled by non-passenger vehicles in this town that did not link to a geocoded point. The value in the cell is a fraction of the town's aggregate unmatched non-passenger vehicles, based upon the values in jobcellpct. TOTAL_YEAR - Total amount of calculated miles traveled annually by vehicles in the cell. Sum of values in PT_MILES + HSHLDMILES + JOBMILES. TOTAL_DAY - Daily amount of calculated miles traveled by vehicles in the cell. Equals TOTAL_YEAR / 365. MODEL_VMT - Daily VMT for each cell as calculated by the MassGIS destination-based transportation model. PAS_MILES - Total miles assigned to 250m grid cells from geocoded PASSENGER vehicles, aggregated to 1km. PAS_TOTAL - Total annual miles driven by passenger vehicles in each 250m cell, based upon 2007 RMV data. (PAS_MILES + HSHLDMILES) PAS_DAILY - Total daily miles driven by passenger vehicles in each 250m cell, based upon 2007 RMV data. (PAS_TOTAL / 365) This figure is directly comparable to the current MassGIS model output because it represents household trips. MIPH_MODEL - Daily miles per household for each 250m cell, based upon MassGIS model. (MODEL_VMT / EST_HSHLDS) MIPH_RMV - Daily miles per household for each 250m cell, based upon RMV data. (PAS_DAILY / EST_HSHLDS) FM_HSHLDS - 5x5 focal mean (excluding null values) of estimated households in each 1km cell. PAS_VEHCLS - Estimated number of PASSENGER vehicles in each 250m cell. Includes direct counts from geocoded active vehicle records, as well as pro-rated counts for ungeocoded records. EST_WRKRS - Estimated number of workers age 16+ (from SF3, table P30, 2000 Census). EST_CMTRS - Estimated number of workers age 16+ who commute to work by private vehicle. JTW_MILES - Roundtrip milage for journey to work, based upon census tract-to-tract worker flows, pro-rated by the number of vehicle commuters (EST_CMTRS) in each 250m grid cell. G500_ID - grid cell id for 500m cells G1km_ID - grid cell id for 1km cells sample250m - was used for random sample BLKGRP2000 - Census 2000 blockgroup that comprises the majority/plurality of the 250m cell. Tripmerg - MassGIS-estimated daily distance to common household destinations, in meters